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These audio proceedings from an Independent Satellite Symposium held at the 2013 ASCO Annual meeting offer the perspectives of 5 renowned international clinical investigators on a number of controversial management and research issues. This content is available in a number of formats for listening on the go with a mobile device or at home on a computer.

Listen to audio excerpts

Track 1: Introduction: Dr Love
Track 2: Faculty poll: Highlights of the ASCO 2013 lung cancer presentations
Track 3: Faculty and audience poll: Appropriate patient subgroups to be considered for genomic testing of driver mutations in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Track 4: Faculty and audience poll: What adjuvant systemic therapy would you recommend for a 70-year-old patient who underwent a right lower lobectomy for a 5.3-cm pan-wild-type (PWT) adenocarcinoma with negative nodes?
Track 5: Faculty and audience poll: Would you recommend enrollment in the ECOG-E1505 study evaluating the addition of bevacizumab to cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy for a 70-year-old patient with a 5.3-cm PWT adenocarcinoma and negative nodes?
Track 6: Faculty poll: Use of adjuvant chemotherapy/bevacizumab in elderly patients?
Track 7: Faculty and audience poll: Would you recommend an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) in a 67-year-old remote smoker who is positive for an EGFR exon 19 deletion and is s/p surgery for Stage IIIA adenocarcinoma with a positive surgical margin and 7 of 8 positive nodes?
Track 8: Module 1, Dr Wakelee: Adjuvant therapy for localized NSCLC
Track 9: Faculty and audience poll: Which first-line chemotherapy and/or biologic therapy would you generally recommend to a 50-year-old patient with metastatic PWT lung adenocarcinoma?
Track 10: Faculty and audience poll: What is your usual first-line therapy for an older (approximately 80 years) symptomatic patient with metastatic PWT adenocarcinoma and a PS of 1-2 secondary to aging and the tumor?
Track 11: Faculty and audience poll: What treatment would you likely recommend next for a 62-year-old patient who received adjuvant cisplatin/pemetrexed for PWT adenocarcinoma and tolerated it well before experiencing a systemic disease relapse 2 years later?
Track 12: Faculty and audience poll question: What first-line systemic therapy would you usually recommend for a 50-year-old patient who underwent surgery 2 years ago for Stage I squamous cell carcinoma of the lung without adjuvant therapy but who now has histologically documented metastases to the bone and liver?
Track 13: Module 2, Dr Langer: Histological distinctions in the front-line management of NSCLC
Track 14: Faculty and audience poll question: What maintenance treatment, if any, would you recommend for a 57-year-old patient with PWT lung adenocarcinoma and liver metastases who achieves a PR in response to 4 cycles of carboplatin/pemetrexed/bevacizumab?
Track 15: Review of audience polling result: Which maintenance therapy, if any, would you likely recommend for an otherwise healthy 50-year-old patient with PWT adenocarcinoma who experiences a PR to your recommended first-line therapy?
Track 16: Faculty and audience poll: Do you use maintenance therapy for patients with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma?
Track 17: Module 3, Dr Heymach: Maintenance therapy in the management of NSCLC
Track 18: Approaches to maintenance therapy for metastatic lung adenocarcinoma
Track 19: Audience-generated question: Duration of maintenance therapy in metastatic lung adenocarcinoma?
Track 20: Audience-generated question: Selection of maintenance therapy for a tumor of mixed histology?
Track 21: Audience-generated question: What would you recommend next for a patient with Stage IV NSCLC treated with carboplatin/paclitaxel who has recurrent thrombocytopenia requiring a dose delay despite a dose reduction down to AUC 5?
Track 22: Audience-generated question: Is development of hypertension a surrogate marker for the efficacy of bevacizumab and should the hypertension be treated?
Track 23: Case discussion: A 43-year-old never smoker with ALK1-positive NSCLC and metastases in the brain, bone and lungs receives crizotinib and experiences significant nausea
Track 24: Dose of crizotinib and its potential association with the development of neutropenia 
Track 25: Identification and management of crizotinib-induced hypogonadism
Track 26: Incidence of disease progression in the brain in patients who receive crizotinib
Track 27: Module 4, Dr Camidge: Management of ALK- and ROS1-positive NSCLC
Track 28: Mechanisms of resistance to ALK inhibition
Track 29: Faculty and audience poll: Would you recommend local therapy or an EGFR TKI for a 56-year-old asymptomatic patient with lung adenocarcinoma, an EGFR exon 19 deletion, extensive systemic metastases and 4 small brain lesions?
Track 30: Faculty and audience poll: What would be your off-protocol recommendation for a patient with EGFR-mutant NSCLC treated with 150 mg of erlotinib who experiences slow, asymptomatic disease progression 1 year later?
Track 31: Module 5, Dr Pirker: Therapeutic decision-making for patients with EGFR mutations
Track 32: Faculty perspectives on the potential integration of cetuximab alone or in combination with afatinib into the NSCLC treatment algorithm
Track 33: Efficacy of erlotinib and utility of ALK testing in patients with EGFR exon 20 mutations
Heather Wakelee, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Oncology
Stanford University
School of Medicine
Stanford Cancer Institute
Stanford, California
Corey J Langer, MD
Director of Thoracic Oncology, Abramson Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania
Vice Chair, Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
John Heymach, MD, PhD
Chief, Thoracic Medical Oncology
Associate Professor of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology
The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
D Ross Camidge, MD, PhD
Director, Thoracic Oncology
Clinical Program
University of Colorado Cancer Center
Aurora, Colorado
Robert Pirker, MD
Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine I
Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Neil Love, MD
Research To Practice
Miami, Florida