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5MJC BCU 25: Lung Cancer Mortality Risk in Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with Antiestrogens

Lung Cancer Mortality Risk in Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with Antiestrogens

5MJC BCU 24: Efficacy of Administering Preoperative Hydroxyprogesterone in Women with Operable Breast Cancer

Efficacy of Administering Preoperative Hydroxyprogesterone in Women with Operable Breast Cancer

5MJC BCU 23: Outcomes of Women Who Were Premenopausal at Diagnosis in the MA17 Trial of Extended Letrozole After Five Years of Tamoxifen

Outcomes of Women Who Were Premenopausal at Diagnosis in the MA17 Trial of Extended Letrozole After Five Years of Tamoxifen

5MJC BCU 22: Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy on Bone Mineral Density and Anastrozole-Induced Musculoskeletal Pain

Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy on Bone Mineral Density and Anastrozole-Induced Musculoskeletal Pain

5MJC BCU 21: Oral Bisphosphonates and Breast Cancer — Prospective Results from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)

Oral Bisphosphonates and Breast Cancer — Prospective Results from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI)

5MJC BCU 20: Effect of Obesity on Prognosis After Early Breast Cancer

Effect of Obesity on Prognosis After Early Breast Cancer

5MJC BCU 19: Cardiac Safety Results of a Docetaxel/Cyclophosphamide/Trastuzumab Combination in Patients with HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Cardiac Safety Results of a Docetaxel/Cyclophosphamide/Trastuzumab Combination in Patients with HER2-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer

5MJC BCU 18: Assessment of the Prognostic Role of HER2 Overexpression in Patients with Node-Negative, pT1a-b Breast Cancer

Assessment of the Prognostic Role of HER2 Overexpression in Patients with Node-Negative, pT1a-b Breast Cancer

5MJC BCU 17: Updated Survival Analysis of the EGF104900 Randomized Study of Lapatinib Alone or Combined with Trastuzumab for HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Progressing on Trastuzumab

Updated Survival Analysis of the EGF104900 Randomized Study of Lapatinib Alone or Combined with Trastuzumab for HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Progressing on Trastuzumab

5MJC BCU 16: Molecular Characterization of Breast Cancer Core Biopsy Specimens by RT-PCR Gene Expression Analysis

Molecular Characterization of Breast Cancer Core Biopsy Specimens by RT-PCR Gene Expression Analysis

5MJC BCU 15: Effect of a 21-Gene RT-PCR Assay on Treatment Recommendations for Patients with Node-Positive, ER-Positive Breast Cancer

Effect of a 21-Gene RT-PCR Assay on Treatment Recommendations for Patients with Node-Positive, ER-Positive Breast Cancer

5MJC BCU 14: Prognostic and Predictive Value of the 21-Gene Recurrence Score® for Women with Node-Positive Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

Prognostic and Predictive Value of the 21-Gene Recurrence Score® for Women with Node-Positive Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

5MJC BCU 13: Tyrosine Kinases as Targets for Cancer Therapy

Tyrosine Kinases as Targets for Cancer Therapy

5MJC BCU 12: Sunitinib versus Capecitabine for Patients with HER2-Negative Advanced Breast Cancer

Sunitinib versus Capecitabine for Patients with HER2-Negative Advanced Breast Cancer

5MJC BCU 11: SOLTI-0701 — A Double-Blind, Randomized Phase IIb Study of Capecitabine with or without Sorafenib in Advanced Breast Cancer

SOLTI-0701 — A Double-Blind, Randomized Phase IIb Study of Capecitabine with or without Sorafenib in Advanced Breast Cancer