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In these audio proceedings from a symposium held in conjunction with the Oncology Nursing Society's 2012 Annual Congress, the invited oncology nursing professionals participating as part of our faculty panel present actual patient cases from their practices, setting the stage for faculty discussion of optimal therapeutic and supportive care strategies in multiple myeloma.

This content is available in a number of formats for listening on the go with a mobile device or in the office or at home on a computer.

Listen to audio excerpts

Track 1: Case discussion: A 56-year-old man presents with leg pain and is diagnosed with lambda free light chain advanced multiple myeloma (MM)
Track 2: Current status of autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) for eligible patients diagnosed with MM
Track 3: IFM/DFCI 2009: A Phase III study comparing conventional-dose RVD to high-dose treatment with ASCT in the initial management of MM in ≤65-year-old patients
Track 4: Age as a determining factor for ASCT eligibility
Track 5: Adverse events associated with the common induction regimens for MM
Track 6: Management of peripheral neuropathy (PN) resulting from bortezomib-based therapy
Track 7: Side effects, toxicities and efficacy of 3-drug (or triplet) induction regimens
Track 8: Effectiveness of IMiDs and proteasome inhibitors in the management of MM
Track 9: A nurse’s perspective on post-transplant maintenance therapy with lenalidomide
Track 10: Benefits versus risks associated with long-term lenalidomide maintenance therapy
Track 11: Tailoring treatment strategies based on the appearance of adverse cytogenetics
Track 12: Supportive management of renal failure and bone disease in MM
Track 13: Therapeutic considerations for a patient with MM and Type 1 diabetes who requires treatment with steroids
Track 14: Impact of age on transplant outcomes and survival rates attributed to novel therapies
Track 15: Long-term treatment outcomes for patients with MM
Track 16: Treatment strategies for chemotherapy-induced PN
Track 17: Case discussion: An 89-year-old man previously treated for plasma cell dyscrasia presents with anemia and bone marrow plasmacytosis
Track 18: Risk of acute renal failure after the use of NSAIDs in MM
Track 19: Optimizing clinical benefits of bisphosphonates in patients with impaired renal function
Track 20: A nurse’s perspective on the use of epoetin alfa for the treatment of anemia in patients with renal disease secondary to MM
Track 21: Treatment algorithm for elderly patients with MM
Track 22: Clinical guidelines regarding preemptive dose reductions for elderly patients with comorbidities
Track 23: A randomized Phase III noninferiority trial of subcutaneous versus intravenous administration of bortezomib in relapsed MM
Track 24: Subcutaneous bortezomib: Nursing perspective on tolerability, injection site reactions and PN
Track 25: Comparison of weekly and biweekly bortezomib treatment schedules
Track 26: Evaluation of pamidronate versus zoledronic acid for skeletal-related events (SREs) in MM
Track 27: Case discussion: A 59-year-old man initially treated with a bortezomib-based regimen for IgG Stage IIA MM develops PN and receives carfilzomib
Track 28: Carfilzomib: Efficacy and potential for reduced risk of PN
Track 29: A front-line Phase IB/II study of carfilzomib, lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone (CRd) in newly diagnosed MM
Track 30: Viewpoints on the future roles of emerging oral therapeutic agents MLN9708 and pomalidomide
Track 31: Case discussion: A 77-year-old man with large lytic lesions of the spine and kappa light chain MM who receives kyphoplasty
Track 32: Role of radiation therapy in MM or plasmacytoma
Track 33: Results from MRC Myeloma IX: A Phase III study determining whether zoledronic acid reduces SREs and improves survival for patients newly diagnosed with MM
Track 34: Importance of preventing the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw and treatment strategies for its management
Track 35: Treatment duration with bisphosphonates
Track 36: Chronic pain management for elderly patients with MM
Track 37: Benefits of aquatic and mild physical therapy in MM
Track 38: Indefinite follow-up in the care of patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
Track 39: Guidelines for supportive care in the management of MM
Track 40: Perspectives on multidisciplinary care and progress in the management of MM

Melissa Alsina, MD
Head, Multiple Myeloma Program
Associate Professor
Department of Blood and
Marrow Transplantation
Moffitt Cancer Center
Tampa, Florida
Beth Faiman, PhDc, MSN,

Pre-Doctoral Research Candidate
Case Western Reserve University
Nurse Practitioner
Taussig Cancer Institute
The Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Rafael Fonseca, MD
Getz Family Professor of Cancer
Chair, Department of Internal Medicine
Associate Director
Center for Individualized Medicine
Mayo Clinic Arizona
Scottsdale, Arizona
Kena C Miller, MSN, FNP-BC
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner
Department of Medicine
Mayo Clinic
Jacksonville, Florida
Neil Love, MD
Research To Practice
Miami, Florida