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Amrita Krishnan, MD

Arnulf B et al. Updated survival analysis of a randomized phase III study of subcutaneous versus intravenous bortezomib in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma. Haematologica 2012;97(12):1925-8. Abstract

Bringhen S et al. Efficacy and safety of once-weekly bortezomib in multiple myeloma patients. Blood 2010;116(23):4745-53. Abstract

Cavo M et al. Bortezomib with thalidomide plus dexamethasone compared with thalidomide plus dexamethasone as induction therapy before, and consolidation therapy after, double autologous stem-cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: A randomised phase 3 study. Lancet 2010;376(9758):2075-85. Abstract

Harousseau JL et al. Bortezomib plus dexamethasone is superior to vincristine plus doxorubicin plus dexamethasone as induction treatment prior to autologous stem-cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Results of the IFM 2005-01 phase III trial. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(30):4621-9. Abstract

Kapoor P et al. Importance of achieving stringent complete response after autologous stem-cell transplantation in multiple myeloma. J Clin Oncol 2013;31(36):4529-35. Abstract

Lenalidomide/bortezomib/dexamethasone for multiple myeloma (MM) (RVD Lite). NCT01782963

Mateos MV et al. Comparison of bortezomib (VC) cumulative dose, efficacy, and tolerability with three different bortezomib-melphalan-prednisone (VMP) regimens in previously untreated multiple myeloma (MM) patients (pts) ineligible for high-dose therapy (HDT). Haematologica 2011;96(s1):81. Abstract P-175.

Mateos MV et al. Bortezomib, melphalan, and prednisone versus bortezomib, thalidomide, and prednisone as induction therapy followed by maintenance treatment with bortezomib and thalidomide versus bortezomib and prednisone in elderly patients with untreated multiple myeloma: A randomised trial. Lancet Oncol 2010;11(10):934-41. Abstract

Mateos MV et al. Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone compared with melphalan and prednisone in previously untreated multiple myeloma: Updated follow-up and impact of subsequent therapy in the Phase III VISTA trial. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(13):2259-66. Abstract

Moreau P et al. Subcutaneous versus intravenous administration of bortezomib in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma: A randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority study. Lancet Oncol 2011;12(5):431-40. Abstract

Palumbo A et al. Bortezomib-melphalan-prednisone-thalidomide followed by maintenance with bortezomib-thalidomide compared with bortezomib-melphalan-prednisone for initial treatment of multiple myeloma: A randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(34):5101-9. Abstract

Rajkumar S et al. Lenalidomide plus high-dose dexamethasone versus lenalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone as initial therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: An open-label randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 2013;11(1):29-37. Abstract

Reeder CB et al. Once- versus twice-weekly bortezomib induction therapy with CyBorD in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Blood 2010;115(16):3416-7. Abstract

Richardson PG et al. Lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone combination therapy in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Blood 2010;116(5):679-86. Abstract

A Keith Stewart, MBChB

Attal M et al. Lenalidomide maintenance after stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2012;366(19):1782-91. Abstract

Boccadoro M et al. Melphalan/prednisone/lenalidomide (MPR) versus high-dose melphalan and autologous transplantation (MEL200) plus lenalidomide maintenance or no maintenance in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Proc ASCO 2013;Abstract 8509.

McCarthy PL et al. Lenalidomide after stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2012;366(19):1770-81. Abstract

Sonneveld P et al. Bortezomib induction and maintenance treatment in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Results of the randomized phase III HOVON-65/GMMG-HD4 trial. J Clin Oncol 2012;30(24):2946-55. Abstract

Sonneveld P et al. HOVON-65/GMMG-HD4 randomized phase III trial comparing bortezomib, doxorubicin, dexamethasone (PAD) Vs VAD followed by high-dose melphalan (HDM) and maintenance with bortezomib or thalidomide in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). Proc ASH 2010;Abstract 40.

Stewart AK et al. A randomized phase 3 trial of thalidomide and prednisone as maintenance therapy after ASCT in patients with MM with a quality-of-life assessment: The National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Myeloma 10 trial. Blood 2013;21(9):1517-23. Abstract

William I Bensinger, MD

Bringhen S et al. A phase II study with carfilzomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone (CCd) for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2013;Abstract 685.

Cavo M et al. Bortezomib with thalidomide plus dexamethasone compared with thalidomide plus dexamethasone as induction therapy before, and consolidation therapy after, double autologous stem-cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: A randomised phase 3 study. Lancet 2010;376(9758):2075-85. Abstract

Chari A et al. A 28 day schedule for lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2011;Abstract 2949.

Ghobrial IM et al. Clinical profile of single-agent modified-release oprozomib tablets in patients (pts) with hematologic malignancies: Updated results from a multicenter, open-label, dose escalation phase 1b/2 study. Proc ASH 2013;Abstract 3184.

Jakubowiak AJ et al. A phase 1/2 study of carfilzomib in combination with lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone as a frontline treatment for multiple myeloma. Blood 2012;120(9):1801-9. Abstract

Kumar SK et al. A phase 1/2 study of weekly MLN9708, an investigational oral proteasome inhibitor, in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone in patients with previously untreated multiple myeloma (MM). Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 332.

Lawasut P et al. New proteasome inhibitors in myeloma. Curr Hematol Malig Rep 2012;7(4):258-66. Abstract

Palumbo A et al. Overall survival benefit for bortezomib-melphalan-prednisone-thalidomide followed by maintenance with bortezomib-thalidomide (VMPT-VT) versus bortezomib-melphalan-prednisone (VMP) in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 200.

Reeder CB et al. Cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and dexamethasone induction for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: High response rates in a phase II clinical trial. Leukemia 2009;23(7):1337-41. Abstract

Richardson PG et al. Twice-weekly oral MLN9708 (ixazomib citrate), an investigational proteasome inhibitor, in combination with lenalidomide (Len) and dexamethasone (Dex) in patients (Pts) with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM): Final phase 1 results and phase 2 data. Proc ASH 2013;Abstract 535.

Richardson PG et al. Lenalidomide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone combination therapy in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Blood 2010;116(5):679-86. Abstract

Richardson PG et al. Bortezomib or high-dose dexamethasone for relapsed multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2005;352(24):2487-98. Abstract

Siegel D et al. Integrated safety profile of single-agent carfilzomib: Experience from 526 patients enrolled in 4 phase II clinical studies. Haematologica 2013;98(11):1753-61. Abstract

Sonneveld P et al. Bortezomib induction and maintenance treatment improves survival in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Extended follow-up of the HOVON-65/GMMG-HD4 trial. Proc ASH 2013;Abstract 404.

Sonneveld P et al. Bortezomib induction and maintenance treatment in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: Results of the randomized phase III HOVON-65/GMMG-HD4 trial. J Clin Oncol 2012;30(24):2946-55. Abstract

Sonneveld P et al. Carfilzomib combined with thalidomide and dexamethasone (CTD) is an highly effective induction and consolidation treatment in newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma (MM) who are transplant candidate. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 333.

Touzeau C et al. Effect of CMP, carfilzomib (CFZ) plus melphalan-prednisone (MP), on response rates in elderly patients (pts) with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM): Results of a phase (Ph) I/II trial. Proc ASCO 2013;Abstract 8513.

Meletios A Dimopoulos, MD

De Weers M et al. Daratumumab, a novel therapeutic human CD38 monoclonal antibody, induces killing of multiple myeloma and other hematological tumors. J Immunol 2011;186(3):1840-8. Abstract

Dimopoulos MA et al. Pomalidomide in combination with low-dose dexamethasone: Demonstrates a significant progression free survival and overall survival advantage, in relapsed/refractory MM: A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, open-label study. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract LBA-6.

Fanale M et al. Multi-trial safety evaluation of the fully antagonistic human anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody lucatumumab (HCD122) in patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies. Proc ASH 2011;Abstract 3702.

Jagannath S et al. BT062, an antibody-drug conjugate directed against CD138, shows clinical activity in patients with relapsed or relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2011;Abstract 305.

Jakubowiak AJ et al. Elotuzumab in combination with bortezomib in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: A phase I study. Proc ASCO 2010;Abstract 8003.

Kumar SK et al. Risk of progression and survival in multiple myeloma relapsing after therapy with IMiDs and bortezomib: A multicenter International Myeloma Working Group study. Leukemia 2012;26(1):149-57. Abstract

Lokhorst HM et al. Daratumumab, a CD38 monoclonal antibody in patients with multiple myeloma — Data from the dose-escalation part of the FIH study. Proc ASCO 2013;Abstract 8512.

Lonial S et al. Phase I/II study of elotuzumab plus lenalidomide/dexamethasone in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: Updated Phase II results and Phase I/II long term safety. Proc ASCO 2013;Abstract 8542.

Lonial S et al. A phase 2 study of elotuzumab in combination with lenalidomide and low-dose dexamethasone in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2011;Abstract 303.

Mahdevan D et al. First-in-human phase I dose escalation study of a humanized anti-CD200 antibody (samalizumab) in patients with advanced stage B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) or multiple myeloma (MM). Proc ASH 2010;Abstract 2465.

Mark TM et al. ClaPD (clarithromycin, pomalidomide, dexamethasone) therapy in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 77.

Palumbo A et al. Pomalidomide cyclophosphamide and prednisone (PCP) treatment for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 446.

Plesner T et al. Daratumumab, a CD38 monoclonal antibody in patients with multiple myeloma — Data from a dose-escalation phase I/II study. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 73.

Quach H et al. Mechanism of action of immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDS) in multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2010;24(1):22-32. Abstract

Raje N et al. Phase 1 study of tabalumab, a human anti-BAFF antibody and bortezomib in patients with previously-treated multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 447.

Richardson PG et al. MM-005: A phase 1, multicenter, open-label, dose-escalation study to determine the maximum tolerated dose for the combination of pomalidomide, bortezomib, and low-dose dexamethasone in subjects with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 727.

Rossi JF et al. Preliminary results of CNTO 328, an anti-interleukin-6 monoclonal antibody, in combination with bortezomib in the treatment of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2008;Abstract 867.

San Miguel J et al. Pomalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone versus high-dose dexamethasone alone for patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (MM-003): A randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2013;14(11):1055-66. Abstract

Shah J et al. A multi-center Phase I/II trial of carfilzomib and pomalidomide with dexamethasone (Car-Pom-d) in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 74.

Noopur Raje, MD

A study of siltuximab (anti- IL 6 monoclonal antibody) in patients with high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma. NCT01484275

Biomarker study of elotuzumab in high risk smoldering myeloma. NCT01441973

Boyd K et al. Does zoledronic acid reduce skeletal-related events and improve progression-free survival in patients with multiple myeloma with or without bone disease? MRC Myeloma IX study results. Proc ASCO 2011;Abstract 8010.

Carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone for smoldering multiple myeloma. NCT01572480

Dispenzieri A et al. Immunoglobulin free light chain ratio is an independent risk factor for progression of smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple myeloma. Blood 2008;111(2):785-9. Abstract

Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV. Criteria for diagnosis, staging, risk stratification and response assessment of multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2009;23(1):3-9. Abstract

Kyle RA et al. Clinical course and prognosis of smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2007;356(25):2582-90. Abstract

Larsen JT et al. Serum free light chain ratio as a biomarker for high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma. Leukemia 2013;27(4):941-6. Abstract

Lenalidomide or observation in treating patients with asymptomatic high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma. NCT01169337

Mateos MV et al. Lenalidomide plus dexamethasone for high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2013;369(5):438-47. Abstract

MLN9708 and dexamethasone for high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma. NCT01660997

Perez-Persona E et al. New criteria to identify risk of progression in monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance and smoldering multiple myeloma based on multiparameter flow cytometry analysis of bone marrow plasma cells. Blood 2007;110(7):2586-92. Abstract

Phase 1/2a study of cancer vaccine to treat smoldering multiple myeloma. NCT01718899

Raje N et al. Phase 1 study of tabalumab, a human anti-BAFF antibody and bortezomib in patients with previously-treated multiple myeloma. Proc ASH 2012;Abstract 447.

Rosen LS et al. Zoledronic acid versus pamidronate in the treatment of skeletal metastases in patients with breast cancer or osteolytic lesions of multiple myeloma: A phase III, double-blind, comparative trial. Cancer J 2001;7(5):377-87. Abstract